Thursday, December 24, 2009
Cracker Barrel Pace Lines
1) The holidays are no fun for a Hebrew; everyone else gets his Christmas trees and lights, his eggnog and mistletoe, his happy church songs and merry family gatherings. We; however, are forced to dine at nasty Chinese food buffets.
2) The above brings me to my second topic: food. I take my food seriously. Each meal is planned for maximum effect: carb potential, lipid saturation, cycling impact, and - most importantly - taste. Of the three factors, taste is by far the most important. Joe Stone Crab’s Key Lime Pie or carrots? Haha.
3)Cycling is fun, but it takes effort. I don’t like putting forth much effort. It’s too much effort. However, cycling with a tailwind on a downhill while eating a Payday takes little effort, wherefore I cycle.
Why "topic" is singular and not plural:
I’m staying with family in Jupiter, FL. The weather has been petulant -- strong winds blowing clouds and storms from off the coast to drench the ground with rain and shade. The wind throwing up white thrashing arches of waves and the sand being torn from the beaches to pelt the humidity from the air into a salty and strangely sterile mist. [Ok, ok. I get it: “an utter failure, an ignorant, incompetent, pretentious, unwelcome, penniless” (Pygmalion) paragraph, but I’ve been reading a lot, so give me some leeway here].
With this weather, my riding has been limited to quick, hard rides. Today; however, I was determined not to be deterred from the roads. I decided to wake up early -- 6:25 -- and meet up with a local group. I savor my blubbery muffin and coffee, pack up my bike, don my “Team Pro Wanker 69” aero booties (because I’m that cool) and head off to the start of the ride.
It’s a fairly large group, but a potentially turbulent mix of riders. Down south, in these parts, they do the crazy Cracker Barrel pace line: a double pace line where the front two riders both pull off to the left of the road. Insanity... So, I’m a bit nervous to start. Soon, someone takes a flyer and we’re off! A group of the 7 "fast" men and one laggard - me - forms and we take pulls. Things are going well. We’re racing across Jupiter island. We streak past Tiger’s house. We pass golf carts and break the speed limit. We go flying through blind turns. For about the tenth time, I hit a reflector and PING, something new: a broken spoke, brakes rubbing, Scott fishtailing - nearly taking out the entire ride. But, he recovers and quickly pulls out a banana chocolate chip muffin to celebrate. Just don't forget to bring the wheel in, Scott.
The rest of the ride was uneventful and culminated in a stop at the Juno Beach Cafe after dropping off my wheel. I love little places like this - local hotspots of great greasy food. I order my favorite mid morning, post ride, pre-lunch meal: skillet... a layer of butter infused hash browns covered by an oily layer of cheddar and mozzarella cheese dotted with onion, jalapeno, and tomato covered in 3 scrambled eggs. I also had an english muffin and a raspberry flavored ice tea, of course... Just don't forget to pick up the wheel, Scott.
About 12 hours elapse with another 1000 Calories and it’s time for dinner: pecan encrusted trout served over a bed of rice, flanked by broccoli, and followed by a slice of Key Lime Pie, a favorite of mine. Only water to drink this time, smiling to myself.
Thus, the day concludes with me forgetting to pick up my wheel from the shop and me now unable to ride this weekend.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
winter riding

Belated Northbrook Cross Update

CROSS II The Hecklers from Paul Michna on Vimeo.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Fall Fling - Part II
And each race has it’s own identity too. If the Tour de France is the pinnacle of cycling, glamor, and luck, it is, then, the soufflĂ©. By that measure, the Fall Fling is maybe a brownie that was left over from last weekend's party and is now a bit stale and hard with some random powdered sugar sprinkled on top. ( No offense to ABD. It’s a great and fun series! Just no TDF.)
All this was floating around my mind as I prepared for the race (nothing like food to get you focused). A series that, coming into Sunday, I was leading in the 3s by about three points over my gracious and damn strong teammate, James Bird (IsCorp). My lead was courtesy of Will Novaks’s help in last weekend’s road race, lots o’ luck, and my win in the TT.
Naturally, I threw out the whole damn recipe at the start of the race... Q: What do you do if you’re leading a series coming into the final day? A: NOT attack into head winds, drop yourself multiple times, burn all your matches. Suffice it to say, my race was an exercise in what not to do. I did not respect my fellow riders and underestimated their strengths. My frequent attacks left me unprepared to cover the break or help Will out. I even botched the sprint. The haphazard creation that is Rosy Weiner was a failure. I was a melted ice cream sundae or a diet coke. Something was off. It was a miracle I won the series.
Were it not for Will, I would not be writing this blog post. It was due to Will’s help that I won. See, he threw a small and intimate get together for the cycling team on Saturday evening. With my getting to sleep early and having a good, carb filled meal (courtesy of Nate, Hannah, and Axie), my legs had enough reserve in them to survive the day. Carbs rule! Actually, the cheering of the team and the shame that would be loss before them got me through it.
NU Cycling rocks...
Some random thoughts:
Will is damn strong. Attacking into a headwind and sticking it for second place. Contador material.
Axie and Hannah have, um, great taste in music. Enough said.
Based on race results, Subway > Coolata + donuts as a pre-race food.
Hartley = god.
Food poisoning can be your friend - when it happens to your opponents.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Fall Fling Part 1

I hope Northwestern can bring an even larger group to the circuit race next Sunday!
Andy K>
Friday, September 18, 2009
CX Bike
Sheared Chainring Bolt
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Track Win

Suck it, other people. That face is my "I won't be denied" face.
Also, I got 12th in the State Championship RR in part because I took the final turn of the race too quickly and jumped up into the lead at the bottom of the last climb. This was very unintentional, but I was delirious at that point, so I tried to gap people FTW. Unfortunately, I was not strong enough to make that happen, and thus faded and let mad ppl pass me. Needless to say I was pissed. Other than that, Alex, Andrew, and each did really well moving around the pack and marking wheels. Alex and I even got a little gap together for a few moments while we tried to chase down a flyer. Anyway, shit was fast.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Green mountain stage race
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Soldier field and track racing
Then I went on to do the Chicago Triathlon and finished 7th in the men's 20-24 category out of a lot of dudes. I basically pwned people on the bike and sucked hard on the swim (surprise, surprise). Anyway, the winner of the entire thing was only 7 or so minutes faster, so I might win next year. As you can see, participating was painful to both my body and my dignity:
Anyway, seeking to regain some dignity, I went out to the last night of track racing at Northbrook and straight up won my first bike race! I totally schooled some people to win the first sprint lap of a Danish and take the victory. I later got 3rd in the Belgian win-and-out too. The best part was that the prize for winning the Danish was $12 and a 4 year old Northwestern jersey donated by the Pony Shop. Here's a picture of me putting a little Cavendish on it for effect:

Anyway, I should probably get to sleep because Alex, Andrew, Courtney and I are headed out to blow up the State Champs in Willow Springs in the morning. Respect the jersey.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Soldier Field Cycling - Plus Bonus Product Review!
By the way, if you find yourself with moderate road rash, you should check out a product called Tegaderm. It's magical. I know, $15 for a box of four 4"x4.75" clear plastic dressings seemed outrageous to me too, but bear in mind one will last for at least three days (longer once you've had some time to heal). Once you've cleaned the wound you just put one of these things on and you can mostly forget that you have road rash (I still wouldn't recommend sitting directly on the affected area). You can even shower with no apparent loss of stick (and complete invulnerability to the agony of shower-on-fresh road rash). The most recent thinking on abrasions suggests that you're supposed to keep them moist and "unscabby" for as long as possible, and Tegaderm seems to do a great job of this. It's not absorbent though, and you're going to "ooze" a lot in the first couple days, so if excessive fluid collects you might need to drain it. It's kind of gross, unless you're into that kind of thing.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Downers Grove Cat 5 Race
The start of the race was good because Alex and I got up front on the left side:

Anyway, the conclusion is that I could have pwnd those guys and gotten 3rd and I should have followed the early break or attacked at some point.
Downers Grove National Criterium Championships
Sunday, August 9, 2009
mo' bike racin'

So there's been some good racing going down lately, and I've been fortunate enough to partake in some of it. Last weekend I raced in both days at Elk Grove, IL. The course featured 5 turns, with turn 1 being a 180. I was feeling good and able to race decently well on both days. On day 1, I raced aggressively, narrowly missing out on several primes, and unfortunately missed the break of the day. I spent the remainder of the race trying to bring it back so my teammates could finish well in the sprint. Well, I failed in this attempt and the break did stay away, but my teammate Mike ended up 3rd in the field sprint, netting him 8th overall and a cool 400$.
Day 2 was better, and worse. I again felt strong, and again raced aggressively, featuring in some breaks that I thought had a chance to stay away, but alas, didn't. I was able to score a 50$ and 300$ prime, so I had that going for me, which was nice. Towards the end of the race, the pace apparently took its toll, and I ended up in some strange split of what ended up consisting of roughly 20 guys. I just sat on the strong riders wheels, and none of us did much work, but the pack was content to let us ride away. I braced for what I thought would be the race winning move, and alas, it came with ~3 to go. Matt Busche of ISCorps (who's pretty darn quick on a bike) attacked and then pulled off going into turn 2. I wanted to keep the pace hot, and clipped my inside pedal, taking myself out. There were no more free laps so I ended up a DNF. Bummer, as it could have been a nice result for the team. It was also the second time in my racing career that a crash was wholly my fault, and I took another rider down, so I did feel bad about that (sorry Brian Jensen!).
This past weekend's racing was a little more low key. Saturday was my sponsor's hometown crit in Warsaw, IN. This weekend was miserably hot seemingly all across the Midwest, and Warsaw was no exception. The course had four 90 degree corners, and measured a track-like .45 miles in length. I ended up lapping the field, along with two Texas Roadhouse riders, two Nuvo riders (Adam Liebo of Marian fame among them) and one other Lot rider. A roadhouse rider attacked the field, and 6 of us (minus Liebo) again reestablished ourselves off the front of the race. It all stayed together in the break, and I was able to fairly easily lead Mike out for the win in front of the sponsors, as well as hold onto second place myself.
Today was a local race in Glencoe, IL. I didn't see any other Wildcats there, which was too bad as this was a pretty cool venue that was super close to campus. A rainstorm rolled through right before our race, which conveniently cooled down what had previously been an unbearably hot day, while not so conveniently making the last 45 degree turn much sketchier. I didn't feel so hot, but tried my hand in a few moves, and failed in a few prime attempts. Nevertheless, I followed ABD's Ryan Freund (of IIT fame) with ~9 to go, and we somehow got a (relatively) big gap, along with a Subway Pro rider and a LOT rider. Each rider was hesitant to do more than their fair share of work (especially the Subway rider), which caused us to unfortunately get swallowed up by the peloton with 1/2 a lap to go. Luckily, my teammate Mike was up front for the sprint finish as he always is, and came in a solid fourth. I stuck it out for 9th, and thus was able to contribute a little more to the winnings of the team.
So, there you have it. I'd love to hear from the rest of you about your summer adventures, so please do post to the blog when you get a chance.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Grandview Grand Prix/Tour of Lancaster County
I did the Grandville Grand Prix with some of my teammates from Vortex (Katie, a 15 year old junior got 2nd.) The crit was a mile long loop with several sharp turns, including two 45 degree turns, that passed through a development outside of Lancaster (the home of the Pennsylvania Amish). The women started off pretty fast but I found a group to hang with for the race and they helped me with some tactics. I didn't realize that many of the women I'd be racing against in PA would be in their 30s and 40s and racing for several years, so I've got a lot to learn from riding with them.
After the race was the best. My parents are from the area so they took me to this sweet dairy with a restaurant and we got awesome food and fresh ice cream, it was delicious.
My second race was the road race from the Tour of Lancaster County. I originally intended to do the whole thing but I was glad I had changed my mind when it poured the next day for the Time Trial and Crit. Once again I got to do a race with the Amish as traffic directors and spectators. It's amusing to come flying around a turn and see a bunch of amish children sitting by the road waving. One nasty hill in the middle of the 10 mile laps torn up our field each time we went by it. I spent a great deal of time chasing a junior down. I finally caught her when the men's field passed me and I jumped in their draft for a while. Then she and I worked together for a few miles until the aforementioned hill where she flew up like a bird and left me chasing again.
This was the first race my dad attended. He previously had little to no knowledge of cycling and he found it interesting to hang around cyclists for two hours while I was out racing. My dad has a somewhat twisted view of people so our ride home was interesting as he 'dissected' the different types of people he observed.
As for now I'm done racing until the end of the month. My team sponsors a crit in an Industrial Park in Trexlertown that I will be participating in. I have a 10 day vaca with the parentals that seperate me and the race however so I'm just relaxing and not thinking too much about riding. After 7 days in the woods with my dad and 4 days at the beach with my mom, I will most likely spend all my free time on my bike, out of the house, when I return.
As you all know, I've been updating the website and also reconnecting with some incoming members of the team. I'm excited to get back to school and start riding with everyone. I'm planning on doing the Fall Fling with Axie and Will and anyone is welcome to come along, it'll be a blast. NU Cycling 09-10 is going to be awesome.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
evanston crit and chicago crit

hey everybody
so last weekend was the evanston superweek crit. the course was crazy tight, 6 turn circuit. it was my first superweek race, and after hearing all the horror stories, i was a bit intimidated. turns out the stories were more or less true. there were a lot of crashes (a few right next to me) and it was pretty fast too. the legs felt good, but the cornering confidence was not where it needed to be. at the end of the 100k, what hurt most was my back and hands, rather than my legs. but anyways, i kept it upright and finished i think 54th, one of the last riders in the main field. my teammate mike (who i did pretty much nothing to help) ended up 20th.
this past weekend was the chicago crit in grant park. what a cool race! it was a beautiful day and the course was ideal for me: wide open roads, only 4 non-technical corners, and the scenery was hard to beat too- quite different from your standard industrial park crit. i felt really good for this race too, and this time was able to make something more of it. well, not really. i still finished 57th, but i raced the front and got in a few breaks (one featuring chris horner), although nothing lasted longer than a lap. anyways, after being as active as i could, i again tried to help out mike in the closing laps by pulling him up the straights, but he is a crazy man in the corners and turns out to be quite hard to follow around a criterium course. he got caught behind a last lap crash, which was unfortunate for us.
thanks to all who came out to cheer me on in these races. it makes it a lot easier with your support. i hope everyone is doing well and getting ready for some intense walker brothers rides come september.
- will
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Mt. Evans Hill Climb
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Tour of Mt. Nebo
So I've finally started racing in PA! After a canceled race and a conflicting work schedule, I managed to head to southeastern PA to race in the Tour of Mt. Nebo. The race was a very challenging first. Two huge climbs (though nothing compared to CO) dominated the course. I made a silly mistake on the second climb during the first lap (which included forgetting that I had another ring in the front that would have made the climb 10x easier) but I felt very strong on the flats and descents. I was able to convince my parents that they should come watch me race (my m.o.: they'd pay for tolls, gas and food) and it was nice to have someone there to cheer me on during the hills and to listen to my race recap afterwards. I realized that racing by yourself is definitely not nearly as fun as when you're with a team. Another plus with the parents: I convinced them to go with me to watch the Iron Hill Twilight Criterium in West Chester, PA. It was a pro/1/2 mens and womens crit in the historic Philly suburbs. It was great to see some of the East Coast cycling world. For the men's race, a Harley Davidson guy pulled an Leibo (a la Regionals) and drove the crowd wild. Many of the people there had just stumbled upon the race and it was cool to see a the world of cycling open up to some new people.
I've got two races in a week, a weekend of crits and I'll update you guys then. Besides riding my bike, working and the tdf dominate my life right now. Northeast PA holds very little else to do though the riding here is beautiful.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Triple Bypass- Riding in Style
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Sunday Ride
day 1 was the TT. i rocked aerobars and borrowed a zipp 808 rear and 404 front from my teammate brett. i felt good, and still only came in 100th out of like 171 starters i think. more aero equipment would have helped some, but there were a lot of fast dudes. mike friedman of garmin slipstream was there and he raced in paris roubaix earlier this year. i avged around 27 mph. tom zirbel won and beat me by over 2 mins on the 9 mile course. he avged more like 31 mph, but then again he did beat levi at the USPRO TT championships last year. yea, he's fast.
day 2- circuit race
this race is a 3 mile circuit with a tough hill, a flat backstretch and then a 45 mph downhill leading back into the uphill. this race was crazy from the gun. people everywhere bumping bars, crashes, super fast...just chaos. i was feeling good physically, but i was too far back, trying to stay away from the crazy people, which seemed like everyone. eventually people started opening gaps on the back stretch and after closing a few i came off for good. it was not a crit, so i still had to finish, and rode ~72 miles because i was lapped by the field. there were 80 finishers and one was my teammate mike, so that was a good ride for him.
day 3- road race
110 mile race, 10x on an 11 mile hilly loop with a feedzone/finish climb that really hurt. it was again crazy fast from the gun. people were opening gaps all over on the hill, and i was too far back again and forced to jump around. eventually, 4 laps in, the field was starting to get down to a manageable size, but i broke a spoke before the fast descent. sram gave me no pace back up, and it was game on at the front, so i was unable to catch back on. i linked up with two other riders (one being OUCH pro bobby lea) and we rode the rest of the day, and finished ~40 minutes down. if i hadn't broken that spoke, i am not sure how i would have fared. i was already in the hurt box, so it was bound to be a long day for me whether or not i was in the field.
day 4- crit
after getting my face smashed in the first 3 days, i was intimidated for the crit, as these are not my strength. however, it was a manageable pace from the start, and the corners were not too fast or sketchy. like all nrc crits, it got pretty fast towards the end, but i was able to finish in the field in 76th position- nothing great, but i guess i'll take it after days 2 and 3.
i ended up 100th overall on g.c. not stellar, but i finished, and it's good to have my first nrc stage race under my belt (after crashing out of joe martin earlier this year).
i hope that you are all doing well. I am still home now, but will be back in evanston in a couple of weeks and look to get in on some rides. i also hope that everyone is able to watch the tour, because it is awesome. post to the blog and let us know what you are up to!
- will
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Last weekend I competed in the Dead Dog Classic stage race up in the mountains of Wyoming. Saturday was a hard, 53-mile RR that climbed the Medicine Bow Pass just outside of Laramie. The race started at around 9,000 ft in a little town called Albany (population: 15). The first twenty miles of the race weren't too bad and I was feeling strong. The serious climbing was in the middle of the course- 2,400 ft in 9 miles. Not too bad except for the 25 mph headwind. The group broke up really quickly on the climb and I ended up riding solo for the rest of the race. The descent was awesome- 59 mph, baby! So fun. The last 11 miles of the course, all uphill and into the wind, were not so fun and I ended up finishing middle of the pack.
The crit on Sunday in downtown Laramie was sweet. One of my GS Boulder teamates ended up winning it and I took 5th out of 25.
The crit was followed by an individual TT. The 10 mile TT is supposedly the highest 'flat' TT in North America at 8,800 ft. Not what I would call flat, the course had some pretty good hills in the final 5 miles. I finished a mediocre 15/25.
Fun, hard, windy weekend that left me exhausted and stoked to race again mid-July.
Monday, June 22, 2009
tour of americas dairyland
the past few days i was up in WI racing the tour of americas dairyland. its a new 10 day series and seems really well run. the 1st stage was awesome. 4x22 mile loops with ~2200 ft of climbing per lap and then a 8% finish climb. i was feeling OK, and making splits on the climb. as the race passed the halfway point, i still had some gas and bridged to some breakaway groups. the race would shatter up the climbs and we would drill it on the flats, but it would still come back together , which was annoying. i eventually rolled in 12th/26 finishers out of 79 starters, so i was pleased considering the caliber of the field (riders from bmc, kbs, bissell, amore...)
the next day was a neat 1.6 mile circuit race with a slight hill. i felt great this day and was very active. i missed the main 2 man breakaway of the day, and worked some to bring it back for my teammate mike, who is sprinting really well. i stayed up front until the final laps, when it started to rain. i fell back because i was tired, and with the rain, i couldnt get back up to the front as the corners were too slick.
saturday was the grafton crit. a cool .8mile crit with another slight hill. i tried to be active at the beginning, but only lasted about halfway through until i started to tire from the previous days. i wasnt much help in the finish, but mike was able to get 9th in the sprint.
a couple of days off for me, and ill be back racing tuesday, wednesday, and thursday. then its home to CT for a while, and fitchburg will be the racing highlight of that trip.
hope all is well, and congrats to our seniors who just graduated!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Sherman Park Post Script
Oh, and this site Chicago Personal Photo took a bunch of pics and put them online. Here's one of the move with Will looking like he's going (to borrow a Jake Rytlewski phrase) "comfortable hard" while I am dying:

Thanks, Will, for making me feel fast like the glory NU days of old. Hopefully this will kick-start a new chapter of fastness...even if I'm old school! ;) Go 'Cats!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Cycling Cape Town
Hey guys,
It’s been a while since most of you have heard from me. For the guys who don’t know me, I cycled with the team fall and winter this past year and I just got back from a quarter abroad in South Africa. I managed to do some riding while I was out there and figured I would update everybody on what it was like.
I actually didn’t go abroad with a bike. There were a lot of unknowns in terms of how safe the roads were and how my bike would fare over 10,000 miles of shipping. I just didn’t want to risk it. It took about a week of not riding and seeing the occasional cyclist on the roads for me to start actively looking for a bike. Bike rentals, even the long term ones, are really expensive. I found a decent used bike shop through a contractor doing some development work for our design project. Long story short I managed to get a decent Cannondale for not much money.
One downside of biking in Cape Town is the traffic. For the first few miles of any ride leaving from our neighborhood, you’re dealing with minibus taxis (which obey no traffic rules other than their own), full size trucks, tons of pedestrians, and cars parallel parked everywhere on the streets. You’ve got to pay attention and pray for no flats (high risk of getting mugged if you stop in some of the rougher areas). I wish I had pictures from this area of town, but I didn’t really want to pause and take any on a ride. It’s an amazing change when you make it to the waterfront though. The road gets better and there are other cyclists.
The picture to the right is along a ride I did pretty regularly. The mountains in the background are called the Twelve Apostles. The main road is excellent for riding with almost no potholes – a nice benefit of warm winters. It runs all the way to Cape Point, and is part of the Cape Argus Tour, a huge cycling race that happens every year in March. Tens of thousands attend. I road the 65 mile route once and it alone was worth the flight.
Another training ride I did on occasion was climbing Signal Hill. It’s a bit shorter than
There was another ride which I regret doing only once.
I wish I had written this a bit sooner, but things are the same with the quarter system no matter where you are – it’s always crazy busy at the end. I ended up selling my bike through gumtree (a South African version of craigslist) and actually made some money off of it.
I’m back in Cincinnati now, working for GE Aircraft Engines and doing some riding most days after work. For anybody that might be in South Africa in the future, if you feel like you can manage heavy traffic (or figure out a way to avoid it), the rewards are tremendous.
I can’t wait to see you guys in the fall!
Monday, June 15, 2009
sherman park and mt pleasant
hope summer is off to a good start for everyone. this weekend I raced the xXx sherman park crit on saturday afternoon. it was a field of ~50 with many riders from xxx and the vitaminwater team. the sensations were good from the gun, and i was active trying to get away. eventually, ~20 mins into the race i initiated a move and it just so happened that NU alum seth meyer was on my wheel. with the help of his xxx teammates blocking, we rolled away. i was feeling good and confident that we could take a lap, especially once our gap reached a minute. but, unfortunately we started to tire and were gobbled up after about 45 minutes out there. i was toasted from the effort and rolled in in the bunch
check out for his recap. add it to your favorites, along with nucycling.blogspot
saturday was the tour of mt pleasant, michigan. it was a 105 mile rr that i decided to do with 2 of my alderfer bergen teammates on a whim. by this time, i was pretty tired, as i also did a hard 3.5 hr tempo ride friday afternoon. the field was strong with some kenda and bissel pros, as well as a full panther and priority health elite teams. my legs didn't feel good, and i was happy when my teammate brett stewart got in the breakaway that established around mile 10. so then it was slow for a while, then fast, then slow then fast. after brett's breakaway got 6 minutes up on the field, i tried hard to get in a second move around mile 80, but the field wasn't letting us go. again, i was tired, and rolled in in the field.
so two mediocre finishes, but hopefully a lot of fitness gained for the upcoming tour of america's dairyland which starts on thursday, and then the fitchburg stage race in MA on the 4th of july weekend. wish me luck!