So it's weird that I'm hardly a year out of undergrad and I'm already being called "old school", but, yes, someone indeed called my breakaway with Will this last Saturday "an old school/new school Northwestern combo". Thanks, Will,
for posting and not making me sound too crazy slow. For those who weren't there (and even those who were, but just didn't get to see the backside of the course), I've got one simple sentence for you: New School > Old School. Billyboy pulled way more than his share in the break, and I was thanking god every second I wasn't dropped from the front. So, Wildcats, keep this whole new school fastness thing going. It's awesome!
Oh, and this site
Chicago Personal Photo took a bunch of pics and put them online. Here's one of the move with Will looking like he's going (to borrow a Jake Rytlewski phrase) "comfortable hard" while I am

Thanks, Will, for making me feel fast like the glory NU days of old. Hopefully this will kick-start a new chapter of fastness...even if I'm old school! ;) Go 'Cats!
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